Saturday, June 24, 2006

Archie is about to hit 5 months old and gets more beautiful every day. His personality is becoming more apparent. He is such a happy, happy child. His smiles are indiscriminate and his laughter infectious. He has discovered his toes which he holds at any opportunity. His one lone tooth seems to have slid back into his gum although he sucks and knaws on anything and everything.

Sleep has been getting a bit longer at night since we introduced a bottle of forumla at the dream feed. He seems happier for it too. As am I!!!

He hasn't rolled yet but looks close. We had a scare this morning when a sheet fell on his face while I was out of the room. My heart was in my mouth for about 10 minutes while I sobbed. It's a fear I don't want to have to face again although the simple fact of having a child means that such feeling is here to stay.


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